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This Podcast Burns Fat!

Jun 27, 2019

There's no debate that if you don't factor time into your weight loss equation, you won't be able to get the results you want. Whether it's the time spent at the gym or meal prep, managing time is critical. 

So to help us out with some simple techniques, we invited Adita Lang to the show. Adita acknowledges our time...

Jun 21, 2019

The statistics on obesity and diabetes are downright frightening at this point. It is already estimated that 1 in 3 Americans either have type 2 diabetes or are in a state or “pre-diabetes” and that number is rising!

Dr. Kent Sasse joins the show to discuss this crisis. He's a type 2 diabetes expert and founder...

Jun 12, 2019

Usually, when someone starts a diet, they don't have any intentions of doing it long term. They go on a diet, lose weight only to gain it right back. This cycle is called Yo-yo dieting and it isn't just a frustrating process, it can eventually make it harder to lose weight!

Dr. Candice Seti, aka The Weight Loss...